AGM 2020 Minutes

Posted by Martyn Webb on 24 June 2021

1. Present:  

Martyn Webb, Vanessa Hill, James Gordon, Grant Ward, John Gouldstone, Eve Turnbull, Christine Price, Karina Bailey-Watson, Nigel Watson, Dom Bushnell, Ellen Bushnell, Andy Mackintosh, Vicky Crowther, Alex Flynn, David Reynolds, Jackie Webb. Russell Way, Matt Patmore, Anthony Colclough, Nicky Colclough.

2. Apologies:  

Roger Cameron, Julia Magness, Gordon Scott, Amanda Lindsell, Sophie Dibbling, David Reynolds,

3. Minutes of the previous AGM

Circulated before the meeting agreed and proposed and seconded. 

4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising               

5. Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report circulated before the meeting 

6. Treasurer’s Report

Circulated before the meeting – Key points: Total income £66k. We made a surplus of around £6k and donated £30k to SWANCAT / SWANASTRO to enable us to have the new pitch re-laid with proper Hockey astro turf. Refunds for the Dinner and Dance have been issued to those who want it, the rest has been held and will either be off set against subs or used to buy tickets for the next D&D. We currently have £55k in reserve. There were no other matters arising.

7. Match fees and Subscriptions: -

It was agreed that match fees and subscriptions would remain the same with no increase

It was agreed that if COVID-19 has any further detrimental effect on playing the committee would revaluate at Christmas and at the end of the season and if necessary will reimburse a percentage of Subscriptions.

Questions were asked about match fees as teas would not be available for the foreseeable future

It was decided that due to the current Government guidelines with travelling that match fees would be collected for both home and away matches as there would be more cars required to travel away than normal and home match fees would help subsidise this.

8.  Election of Officers

As there were no new volunteers stepping forward -The current committee members were all re-elected on mass for a further year. With Vicky Crowden replacing Andy Mackintosh as Junior co-ordinator on the committee Martyn Webb thanked them all for their hard work and input for last season especially with the stringent regulations required by the Pandemic. He also minuted and thanked Christine Price for all her work as President and as well in the other capacities she had held over the past years. John Gouldstone was elected as the New Club President. He also thanked Andy Mackintosh for his hard work over the years with the juniors, and Loise Barker for her work in producing and sending out the Newsletter every week. Andy Oakes has agreed to take over and I look forward to seeing a new style!


The Chairman reiterated the make-up of SWANCAT/SWANASTRO and the purpose behind them.

Current Members include Amanda Wenham, Martyn Webb, James Gordon, Tony Cropper + 5 members from Joyce Franklin Academy. MW raised concerns regarding hiring of the 2nd pitch when operational as it appears that it would be more efficient for one entity to run both pitches  and in reality this will probably be Anglian Learning rather than SWANCAT.

10. AOB

  • It was requested we reiterate to Neil Liversage at the next East Meeting the difficulty we will have travelling to away matches with the large number of Juniors that make up the lower teams and due to the current legislation request that they be more tolerant if we are unable to fulfil any away matches.
  • Action from Dom to ensure the new goals are fully operational 
  • AC asked about the money put aside for the dug outs MW said the plan is to wait until the new pitch is laid.
  • The new car park is being built so we will have to park in the 6th Form Car park until further notice.
  • Match fees will be collected via TEAMO in future as it takes away the burden of collecting money from the Captains and puts the onus on the player and this can be checked by the Administrators and those behind with payments can be penalised. Petrol money will be provided to each captain as a float which can be used to pay expenses.

There being no further business the AGM finished at 9:10pm

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